Featured Workout: Clean + Jerk Progression with a low impact Metcon

Featured Workout: Clean + Jerk Progression with a low impact Metcon

Olympic Progression:

  • On the 3:00
  • 5 Rounds (195/115)
  • 3 Squat Cleans 
  • 4 Split Jerks


  • 50m BB Farmers Carry*
  • 27 Cal Row
  • 27 Cal Assault Bike
  • 27 Wall-Balls (30/20)
  • 50m BB Farmers Carry*
  • 21 Cal Row
  • 21 Cal Assault Bike
  • 21 Wall-Balls (30/20)
  • 50m BB Farmers Carry*
  • 15 Cal Row
  • 15 Cal Assault Bike
  • 15 Wall-Balls (30/20)

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