What is the DOD Skillbridge?

SkillBridge is a DOD-funded program designed to offer transitioning service members access to civilian work experience through a variety of industry-specific apprenticeships, internships, and training sessions during the last 180 days of their service. The program allows service members to still receive their military salaries and benefits while they interact with and gain on-the-job experience and training from approved employers. 

Transitioning service members often don't have access to resources to help them comfortably bridge the gap between the end of their military service and civilian careers. The SkillBridge program encourages military installations and commanders to support their personnel in accessing the work experience program for smoother transitions to civilian careers. Having permissive duty to train full-time offers the transitioning service members far more access to the civilian workforce than does the Transition Assistance Program, which is a required transition-training program that members of all military branches attend as they are ending their time in service.

You can learn more here.

How To Apply for SkillBridge

First, gather basic information about the program you’re interested in through the locations page.

Next, consult with your local transition office or education office for service-specific SkillBridge application/enrollment guidance.

*If you are deployed or at a remote installation and do not have a local SkillBridge program manager, submit a request for assistance through the Contact Us page, and your service will help coordinate a response.

Communicate with your desired employer’s point of contact to determine SkillBridge program prerequisites and enrollment protocols, but also ensure that you obtain written approval from your unit commander prior to commencement of your SkillBridge training.

NOTE: The services have differing application requirements and processes. All listed website pages are on the DOD SkillBridge website. Each service’s application instructions can be viewed below:


Before any individual soldier contacts any SkillBridge/Career Skills Program providers directly to inquire about application details, and before seeking commander approval, all interested soldiers must first review the IMCOM CSP pageand then contact SkillBridge/CSP officials at usarmy.jbsa.imcom-hq.mbx.g1-aces@mail.mil for further instructions on next steps.

Air Force

For additional information regarding applying for participation in SkillBridge programs, airmen should consult the Air Force Virtual Education Center (AFVEC) SkillBridge page.

Marine Corps

Marines interested in the SkillBridge program should first review the Marine Corps FAQ (downloadable DOCX). If you still have questions about the program or would like to participate, you can submit questions through the Contact Us page.


Each Navy command establishes local SkillBridge participation procedures. Sailors are advised to, at minimum, follow the steps below:

  • Prior to pursing program enrollment or command approval, review DOD Instruction 1322.29 and NAVADMIN 222/15 policy documents on the Resources page to ensure you meet minimum eligibility requirements.
  • Review the approved SkillBridge program information listed on the SkillBridge Locations page.
  • Directly contact the employer points of contact listed on the SkillBridge Locations page to learn more about program-specific eligibility requirements, start dates, training durations, enrollment protocols, etc. If there is no employer point of contact information available on the DOD SkillBridge website, please visit the identified industry partner/employer’s website to further inquire, or submit a request for further assistance through the Contact Us page.
  • If there is a training program or internship of interest not currently approved and listed on the DOD website, the training provider may route a request for approval by visiting the How To Participate tab of the Industry Partners/Employers page.
  • Once you have determined your eligibility and identified a program of interest, submit a request through your chain of command for "permission to participate" in training. Required documentation and request-routing protocol vary by command, so consult with your designated command representative for details.
  • Maintain a copy of approval documentation signed by your unit commander in personal files for reference as necessary, and provide a copy to the employer point of contact for review and final acceptance as appropriate. Contact the transition office (Fleet and Family Support Center) at your supporting base to gather more details about the SkillBridge programs available in your geographic area, or for additional transition assistance support (resume, interview preparation, job search, application assistance, etc.).

Coast Guard

Each Coast Guard command provides approval to local SkillBridge participation. Members are advised to, at minimum, follow the steps below:

  • Prior to pursing program enrollment or command approval, review Commandant Instruction 1040.7 policy document on the Resources page to ensure you meet minimum eligibility requirements.
  • Review the approved SkillBridge program information listed on the SkillBridge Locations page.
  • Directly contact the employer points of contact listed on the SkillBridge Locations page to learn more about program-specific eligibility requirements, start dates, training durations, enrollment protocols, etc. If there is no employer point of contact information available on the DOD SkillBridge website, please visit the identified industry partner/employer’s website to further inquire, or submit a request for further assistance through the Contact Us page.
  • If there is a training program or internship of interest not currently approved and listed on the DOD website, the training provider may route a request for approval by visiting the How to Participate tab of the Industry Partners/Employers page.
  • Once you have determined your eligibility and identified a program of interest, submit a request through your chain of command for "permission to participate" in training. Required documentation and request-routing protocol vary by command, so consult with your designated command representative for details.
  • Maintain a copy of approval documentation signed by your unit commander in personal files for reference as necessary, and provide a copy to the employer point of contact for review and final acceptance as appropriate. Contact the transition office for additional transition assistance support (resume, interview preparation, job search, application assistance, etc.).

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